Mamba Bar

/ Food & beverage


Soler 5130, Buenos Aires.
See plans >>
Project Team

Arch. Fernando Hitzig
Arch. Leonardo Militello

Associated architect:
Arch. Mariano Casullo

Construction documents:
Arch. Gabriela Lorenzo
Arch. Ayelen Palma

Construction Administration:
Arch. Marcela Bernat


Restaurant & Bar


Ground floor: 200 sqm
Exterior 65 sqm


Arch. Juan Ignacio Rosales


Federico Kulekdjian



Concept Design & Art

HM Arquitectos


Design development

HM Arquitectos


Construction documents

HM Arquitectos


Construction Administration

HM Arquitectos


Interior design

HM Arquitectos


The design has as starting point the culinary proposal based on a disruptive concept (based on the client´s words). We understood that the search was to exacerbate the senses, fuse flavors, evoque seductive aromas and create an attractive visual aesthetic.The idea was to promote the culinary proposl materialized through a dreamlike and suggestive landscpe that would accompany the great gastronomic challege. definitely inspired bythe name of the place, Mamba.

For this reason, te idea was to promote a large and unique piece capable of uniting the entire project, which would also be fully functional for the needs of the restaurant. It contains almost all usage features such as seating areas, DJ area, reception area, and your storefornt scenery. All througha landscape of abstract figures inspired by the scales of a large invertebate materlized in iron and covered with triangular MDF panels painted in marble ocide. This choice aims to mark a clear contemporary aesthetic line without falling into a pretentious space.

We have proposed conceptual elements in your showcase, in addition to two other corners, represented by broken and discarded crockery that offer an artistic image that adds to theimagination of your guests. It is a large showcase with a very suggestive artistic proposal, a kind of veil that covers the visibility of the restaurant, with the aim of seducing the visitor and calling him into mystery.

The presence of vegetation over the campfires is part of a balance of tones, and in the backyard, whose green landscape acts as a screen, it proposes an outdoor ecosystem for those who prefer to enjoy another atmosphere.