Lucciano’s Caballito

/ Food & beverage


Av. Pedro Goyena 1602, Buenos Aires.
See plans >>
Project Team

Arch. Fernando Hitzig
Arch. Leonardo Militello

Construction documents:
Arch. Federico Ferreiro

Construction management:
Arch. Fernando Hitzig
Arch. Federico Ferreiro


Ice cream & coffee shop


Ground floor 102 sqm
First floor 115 sqm


Simón Laprida



Concept Design & Art

HM Architects


Design development

HM Architects


Construction documents

HM Architects


Construction Management & Contract Administration

HM Architects


Interior design

HM Architects


 The initial pursuit of the brand was to draw away from the preconception of the traditional ice cream shop and relate to somewhat unconventional aesthetics for this type of stores. Therefore, to bring the product and brand together with different forms of art was the path chosen as designers. Through the election of materials, lighting, equipment and some semi-sculptural elements, we were able to incorporate into the ice cream shop attributes that convey the comfort of domestic living and reminiscences of an art gallery. 

Through the development of different constructive elements – the hammered treatment of the columns that exacerbates the characteristics of concrete; the verticality of the black wood siding; the elaborate piece of iron and glass that serves both as centerpiece and railing of the upper level- the goal is to enhance the spatial qualities of the store an put the focus of attention on its double height.

The balance of old / contemporary, monochromatic / colorful, flat / textured, generates an interesting aesthetic eclecticism that at all times gives way to promote the product in question: frozen creams.


/ Local & Global