Project Team
Arch. Fernando Hitzig
Arch. Leonardo Militello
Arch. Vanik Margossian
Magdalena Salinas
Milagros Barchi
Zorzal court: 294 m2
Central court:1300 m2
/ Competitions
Arch. Fernando Hitzig
Arch. Leonardo Militello
Arch. Vanik Margossian
Magdalena Salinas
Milagros Barchi
Zorzal court: 294 m2
Central court:1300 m2
Arch. Juan Igancio Rosales
Concept Design
Design Development
Old Markets: We investigate the original morphologies of fairs and markets.
Agora: Origin of the polis and first market headquarters. Meeting point, place that summons to the meeting.
Landscape: Natural event. Interactivity space. Centre for eco-perceived sustainability.
The proposal is based on the idea of recomposing the DNA of sustainable public space within the Shopping Mall, recreating green areas for recreation. Far from integrating a real nature, we emulate an intentionally orthogonal organic universe constituted as a topographic checkerboard.
We recreated a picnic environment, through the eco-perception of several of its elements as a design strategy. Its sustainable materials are part of the same concept.
We revindicate the spontaneous/deliberate congregation of mixed uses, typical of a contemporary city, as a unique and possible proposal to be implemented in today’s shopping malls. These we have divided into cells and denominated:
These 4 (four) cells form a set of mixed uses and represent a dynamic, prepared to accommodate all types of audience.
Two large atriums I & II, work as viewpoints from which to view and be viewed, which cohabit and resolve recreational and gastronomic uses.
Abasto shopping centre has a long tradition, and we believe it is essential to build an independent identity, so that this space has a life of its own.